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#WomenEd Blogs

The Importance of Female Leadership in the Education Technology Space #WomenEd Tech

By Laura Bain  @LaruBain#breakthebias #womenintech #edtech Just as we are shaped and influenced by our environment, so too are technology products as they are developed. When the teams that are developing, designing and deploying these products lack diversity, bias unavoidably creeps in. Examples of gender bias are already evident in Artificia...

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  2598 Hits

Being 10% Braver: #IAmWriting.

by Vivienne Porritt @ViviennePorritt

We started WomenEd because women's voices on twitter were often silenced, harrassed or our views were not valued. It's one of the reasons we included a mic in our logo. So we encouraged women to tweet and to write blogs to tell our stories and share our lived experience. 

One of the reasons we wrote 10%braver: Inspiring Women to Lead Education was to ensure the voices of our community reached women who are not on twitter. And over 30 voices are included in Being 10% Braver which, joyously, is published this December - you can pre-order and it's a great Christmas present! And we are delighted to share more opportunities for our community to write and to be heard.

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  5339 Hits

What will you do to #BreakTheBias?

By Sheetal Smith  @SmithSheetal Martin Luther King once said: 'If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.'  This year, for International Women's Day, women all over the globe are hoping to share, inspire and move towards a gender equal world, that is free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. I can't speak for e...

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  2867 Hits

Breaking the Bias: The Rural and Urban Divide

By Susan Bradbeer  @sbradbeer Women who lead in rural schools are doing an extraordinary job. But they encounter bias in the form of division between rural and urban expectations. We have had enough of glass ceilings, jungle gyms, and elevators. These metaphors that the corporate world have used to try and describe the career trajectory for wo...

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  2002 Hits

Splintering gender bias by asking questions

By Dr Deborah Netolicky @debsnet Each year, International Women's Day is surrounded by questions as to why the day is needed. Yet a dig into data from any country shows that gender equity is far from a reality. Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated gender inequities, as this UN policy brief and this UN technical brief attest. There has be...

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  2415 Hits

Leading in education through a pandemic - shaping a better ever-changing world

By Jen McArdle @McArdleJen I would like to acknowledge and thank the Traditional Custodians of this land and recognise their continued connection to Country. We thank Elders past, present and emerging for sharing this land for us to live and learn on. We thank the Traditional Custodians for caring and looking after this land for thousands of genera...

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  1733 Hits

COVID-19 forces educational and societal reform

by Dr Deborah Netolicky @debsnet

The last couple of weeks have been hectic around the world and the pace of change at all levels has been rapid and relentless. In Australian schools, leadership teams and teachers have been preparing for distance learning.

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  2959 Hits

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