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#WomenEd NL: Pathways

#WomenEd NL: Pathways


Welcome back to #WomenEd NL!

This time at JSV in Den Haag, we take the Opportunity to hear the pathways of three fantastic women educators.

Full Description

Welcome back to #WomenEd NL!

The spring is finally beginning to appear, and we are back this Summer to reflect on another year to end with a sense of achievement. Finishing with an opportunity to look ahead and make plans and commitments for the next year! What will your personal or professional aim of goal be?

Our theme under the umbrella of 10% braver: is Share your story: Pathways

Finding your path in education often follows a traditional route from teacher to middle leader to assistant-head to head teacher. However, this pathway may not suit everyone. In other professions there are often more varied routes; opportunities to specialise or transition into different functions. As aspiring leaders, it can be frustrating if the traditional route doesn’t appeal or work for us. Yet finding an alternative way to grow as a professional may not be straightforward.

In this term’s #WomenEd NL session we will be hearing from a series of local colleagues who have followed their own path. Some may be conventional some less so but they share a common determination, passion and commitment to learning and growth. We are kindly hosted by JSV.

We will be hearing from Claire Waller, Head Teacher of JSV one of the British School in The Netherlands family, Helen Claus, Director and owner of Inclusion4All, consultancy service serving the International community and Liz Jones, EdTech Advisor in the British School.

They will each share aspects of their unique journeys exploring the following questions:

How did you find your pathway?

What was the catalyst?

What did you learn along the way?

Eventbrite lets us offer a limited number of tickets, so if we’re booked up, don’t worry, just email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to let us know you’re interested.

We’re looking forward to seeing you there.

#WomenEd NL

Location information

The British School in the Netherlands - JSV Campus

19 Vlaskamp

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