by Vivienne Porritt @ViviennePorrittThis is my 6th annual blog on Equal Pay Day for the UK which is on 20th November (Fawcett, 2024). Equal Pay Day is recognised globally and each specific date may be different due to the size of the #GenderPayGap in...
by #WomenEd NI @WomenEdNI From all of us in the #WomenEd NI network, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Parm Plummer for her dedication and support to our community. Many in our network might not realise the extent of Parm's behind-the-scenes...
By WomenEd Global Strategic Leaders We are very sad to say goodbye to Parm Plummer as a Global Strategic Leader and Trustee of #WomenEd. As is the case for many school leaders currently, Parm's workload has increased which has caused her decisi...
Jacinta Calzada-Mayronne, Ed.D., is a dynamic educator and leader with 15+ years of experience, excelling as an Assistant Principal, adjunct professor, author, and advocate for women in leadership.
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