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#WomenEd Blogs

Unconscious Gender Bias Blogs from WomenEd

Musings from the Interview Arena

By Briony Bowers @BrionyBowers Briony went to #WomenEd sessions at #rEDBerks2023 recently which led to her retweeting her 2021 blog. Sadly, progress since then has been minimal. In 2015 the New York Times published an analysis of the CEOs of S&P 1500 firms revealing the remarkable statistic that there were more men called John leading these big...

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  1760 Hits

Let's Talk About Sexism

By Kirsty P.  @TeacherBusy I've been teaching for 12 years; I've worked in two schools but visited many. I've been a teacher, a Head of Year and now a Lead Practitioner. Here's some things that have happened to me during the last 12 years in my career at various points:I've asked groups of students to put rubbish in the bin and been ignored/la...

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  1451 Hits

Supporting equality in international school leadership

by Beccy Fox     @WomenEdTH Three things have happened recently that got me thinking about women in leadership, in particular, women in leadership in international schools. The first was some 'smack you in the face' data: out of nearly seventy applicants for a recent head of school search, only eleven were from women. Eleven out of sevent...

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  1806 Hits

Harnessing the Potential of the Profession #BreaktheBias

by  Liz Free @LizAMFreeDuring International Women's Day 2022 (#IWD22) we were invited to imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. The focus was around women's achievements, rai...

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  3032 Hits

My first #WomenEd event #IWD2022

by Caitlin Bracken  @CaitTeachesKind  I'll be honest, I did question why I'd sacrificed my Saturday lie-in, as I got on a train at 8.11am on March 12th.  For those thinking 'Surely you'll just have Sunday though?' you'd be wrong, I was up early again for figure skating that morning!  I'm not very good at new things, or rather, I...

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  2630 Hits

Ignite and Empower #IWD2022

by Lisa Hannay @lhannay1 By all accounts another successful International Women's Day event, this time with several WomenEd networks coming together! On Tuesday, March 8 @WomenEdCanada, @WomenEdAlberta, @WomenEdManitoba, @WomenEdBC and @WomenEdQuebec joined forces and amplified, celebrated and honored the work of women in leadership. Afte...

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  2022 Hits

What will you do to #BreakTheBias?

By Sheetal Smith  @SmithSheetal Martin Luther King once said: 'If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.'  This year, for International Women's Day, women all over the globe are hoping to share, inspire and move towards a gender equal world, that is free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. I can't speak for e...

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  2881 Hits

Breaking the Bias: The Rural and Urban Divide

By Susan Bradbeer  @sbradbeer Women who lead in rural schools are doing an extraordinary job. But they encounter bias in the form of division between rural and urban expectations. We have had enough of glass ceilings, jungle gyms, and elevators. These metaphors that the corporate world have used to try and describe the career trajectory for wo...

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  2025 Hits

Splintering gender bias by asking questions

By Dr Deborah Netolicky @debsnet Each year, International Women's Day is surrounded by questions as to why the day is needed. Yet a dig into data from any country shows that gender equity is far from a reality. Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated gender inequities, as this UN policy brief and this UN technical brief attest. There has be...

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  2430 Hits

Do Students Prefer Female Teachers?

By Punam Mohandas @PunamMohandas The mind connection that people make between gender and the teaching profession makes for some fascinating research; in many countries, the ratio of female to male teachers is much higher. While undertaking some reading for this article, I came across several illuminating reasons on why there is a definite skew...

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  4767 Hits


by Rachel Fenn @NoSchoolSexism

End Sexism in Schools is a grassroots organization founded in 2020. We are united in our mission to see schools become places where all children can achieve their potential, without being limited by gender stereotypes. Our first campaign, to research the gender bias in the texts taught in English lessons at KS3, was born out of our frustration that none of us, nor our children, had been taught any novels or plays by female authors at school. We wanted to know if this gender bias against women’s writing was merely anecdotal, or a widespread phenomenon.

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  4819 Hits

Gender and middle leadership: A personal reflection

Dr Sadie Hollins @_WISEducation

‘How you are seen may affect how you are heard.’  This was one of many lines in Prof. Jennifer Eberhardt’s book ‘Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do’ that resonated with me. In this context Eberhardt was talking about the gender bias in the historic hiring of female classical musicians for orchestras. Mounting criticism over the lack of female musicians during the 1970s led to many orchestras adopting ‘blind auditions’ so as to not reveal the identity of the auditionee, and therefore avoid any bias that may unfairly affect the outcome.

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  4156 Hits

Soy #ÉlporElla para un mundo donde poder ser YO

by Micky Dominguez   @micky_dominguez

Martes, 9.30 de la noche, cuando ya el día parece llegar a su fin. Me siento en mi escritorio, delante del papel y el lápiz y me pregunto: ¿qué me convirtió en un #HeforShe? ¿Qué me hace defender y reivindicar la igualdad entre géneros?

Cualquiera que haya sentido en su vida cualquier tipo de discriminación, ya sea por su género, su procedencia o sus preferencias de vida, sabe perfectamente cómo se siente una persona a la que le cierran puertas o valoran sus iniciativas desde una perspectiva de género.

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  2668 Hits


by Caitlin Bracken @LittleMissB_NQT

This is not the blog I expected to write today. I was almost sure I wouldn’t be able to harness the enormous theme of ‘respect’ into something brief and engaging enough for a #DailyWritingChallenge entry… and then a very good friend, an NHS paediatric nurse, brought something to my attention that boiled my blood.

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  3509 Hits

'But don't you miss her, Miss?'

by Kaley Louise @MrsRileyEng

Since returning to work, from maternity leave, I have been asked- numerous times- ‘How do you do it?’, ‘Don’t you miss her?’, ‘Are you afraid you’ll miss out on something precious?’ and questions of their kin, numerous times. But always by adults.  Until today.

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  3240 Hits

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