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#WomenEd Blogs

Inspiring women to lead education


by Vivienne Porritt @ViviennePorritt

Two of WomenEd’s campaigns are about the representation of women in leadership roles in education, with a particular focus on women with an ethnic heritage. We know the stats show men are disproportionately represented and the pace of change in altering what leaders look like is glacial.This is a key reason for our partnership with The National College of Education in England.

Senior Leaders 

The National College of Education in England (@TheNCE_) offer a Senior Leaders Masters / Apprenticeship as well as a range of other programmes such as the Middle Leaders Apprenticeship. For the Senior Leaders programme, we have a dedicated WomenEd cohort who follow the same programme as all other learners whilst having the amazing Rachel O’Halleron (@RachelONorth) as their Senior Tutor and monthly Engagement sessions with Rachel and myself as well as other members of our fabulous community. We reserve 20% of the places in this cohort for women with an ethnic heritage. We were also proud to work with NCE colleagues to review and adapt the curriculum to ensure a strong focus on diversity, inclusion and equity so seminars support all the graduates to understand the issues and plan for change and improved equity in the teaching profession.

We believe that 50+ women senior leaders are already #Being10percentBraver and tackling some of the entrenched issues in education and will be empowered to lead schools to escalate further change.

We hope you want to join the next WomenEd cohort and apply for the Senior Leaders Masters / Apprenticeship. And this inclusive programme is for all members of the SLT including School Business Leaders.

Find out more about the programme details and how to apply here.

We held an event so that the WomenEd community could talk with current learners and you can catch up with the discussion here.

Middle Leaders

Due to the success of the Senior Leaders WomenEd cohort, we are very keen to develop a WomenEd cohort for the Middle Leaders Apprenticeship programme to ensure a pipeline of authentic women leaders who are equipped to develop ethical and equitable schools. So we hope you will apply if this is the best pathway for you and that includes all women who have a middle leadership role or aspire to be senior leaders whether teaching or support colleagues.

Programme details are here.

You can find out more about the Middle Leadership programme in these two videos – Part 1 and Part 2.


Funds for both of these programmes are drawn down from the Apprenticeship Levy so for most schools and trusts, these amazing opportunities are already paid for! That’s a win-win in our book and applications need to be in by the end of April! Please share these opportunities with your CPD lead and other colleagues.

WomenEd community, do your thing please! Ensure that women find out about these programmes and encourage them to apply if you feel these opportunities will inspire them to become the future leaders of our schools.

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Gender and middle leadership: A personal reflectio...
We'll meet again


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Thursday, 06 February 2025

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