The #WomenEd Diversity Campaign
What is Diversity in Leadership?
Diversity in Leadership means ensuring at least the following forms are represented in any Leadership Team or Position:
Cultural diversity
Racial diversity
Religious diversity
Age diversity
Sex / Gender diversity
Sexual orientation
What Leading People Have to Say
"We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color."
Maya Angelou
"If we are to achieve a richer culture, rich in contrasting values, we must recognize the whole gamut of human potentialities, and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric, one in which each diverse human gift will find a fitting place."
Margaret Mead
"We must not only learn to tolerate our differences. We must welcome them as the richness and diversity which can lead to true intelligence."
Albert Einstein
"Diversity gives you access to a greater range of talent, not just the talent that belongs to a particular world-view or ethnicity or some other restricting definition"
Our Goals
Increase the representation of diverse groups at leadership level in education
Support and encourage more women of colour and differing cultures, ethnicities, abilities, genders, ages, sexualities and faiths to believe they can achieve leadership positions
Provide guidance and advice for how these diverse groups of women can achieve success in applications for leadership
Promote the visibility of such women in our organisatio
Our Achievements
Our 2023 statement of action and commitments on equality, diversity, and inclusion in education
Run a panel discussion on how to increase representation for BAME women at our global unconference in 2020 and 2021
Written a chapter in 10%Braver: Inspiring Women to Lead Education
Written several chapters on underrepresented groups including disability, age, sexual orientation in Being 10%Braver
Appointed three of our six Global Strategic leaders from underrepresented groups, demonstrating the change we want to see
Grown WomenEd into a global organisation with networks on six continents, reflecting the universality of our message
Reflected this diversity at our Global unconference in 2020 with two sessions presented in native tongues
Run a seminar, in collaboration with Innovate Schools Trust, on how to diversify your team
Hosted presentations on Daring to be Different at out 2021 global unconference
Our Impact
"WomenEd… where to start… I am a month into being a Headteacher at a school for pupils with SEMH needs in Barking and Dagenham, London, and I absolutely love it. My first WomenEd event was the very first unconference in 2015. From there I’ve never looked back. WomenEd and the network of amazing women I have met as a result has given me an opportunity to learn from like-minded, creative, wonderful women. Learning about and hearing from others experience of imposter syndrome and being 10% braver unlocked my thinking and gave me the booster needed to apply for a Head of School role at a special school in Enfield. Being a woman and also being dyslexic are two hats I’m incredibly proud to wear. WomenEd celebrates and encourages difference and uniqueness. WomenEd encourages sharing your story and listening to and learning from others. WomenEd shifted my thinking from not yet to why not? And this is a message that I now like to share with others. I always look out for WomenEd events and enjoy sharing my experience and learning as a leader of a special school with others."
Watch our seminar on how to diversify your team, read our blogs, watch our videos
Encourage the involvement of underrepresented groups in networks such as WomenEd, BAMEed, LGBTQ+Ed, MTPT project and Chartered College. Such networks are as effective in increasing progression as spending Friday nights in the pub according to Professor Paul Miller (2020)
Support training on diversity and inclusion in your organisation, such as unconscious bias training
Ensure your recruitment process is as blind as it can possibly be to ensure unconscious bias does not influence appointments
Ensure educational leaders make recruitment less biased
If possible, practice positive selection to enable underrepresented groups of women to enter leadership. Promote this by actively seeking applications from these groups
Encourage and support these groups of women to undertake leadership development to enable them to take those next steps
Diversity Resources for You to Explore
Diversity gap in academy trust top jobs fails to narrow (Schools Week, Oct 2024)
Black maternal health UK Gov Report (UKGov, April 2023)
Increasing Female Representation in School Leadership (NASSP, 2023)
Men, Stop Calling Yourselves Allies. Act Like One (HBR, 2022)
Women in the Workplace study: The state of women in Corporate America (2022)
All Talk And No Action: Why DEI Efforts Are Falling Short (Forbes, September 2022)
Racial equality in the teacher workforce (, 18th May 2022)
Diversity in the teaching profession: annual data report (, 6th May 2022)
Ensuring Inclusive Working Cultures (
Author Talks: Don't call it Diverse with Ruchika Tulshyan (, 16th February 2022)
The high cost of living in a disabling world (The Guardian, Jan Grue, 4th November 2021)
Academy Trusts CEO diversity audit (England) (, October 2021)
The Pay and Progression of Women of Colour, A Literature Review (Fawcet Society, September 2021)
Personal experience of inclusion: Critical to win the war for talent (McKinsey, 9th August 2021)
How to Use Your Privilege to Even the Playing Field (Gorick Ng, 27th July 2021)
Increasing diverse participation in school and trust governance (, June 2021)
Diversity and Inclusion in the FTSE All-Share (UK) (, June 2021)
Dyslexia: Why being a dyslexic teacher is a gift (TES, 11th January 2021)
Intersectional feminism: what it means and why it matters right now (UN Women, 1st July 2020)
Leadership Needs More Diversity And Less Supremacy (Forbes, 2nd March 2020)
Getting Serious About Diversity: Enough Already with the Business Case (HBR, Nov 2020)
How to recruit a more diverse leadership team (TES, Vivienne Porritt, 21st February 2020)
‘Tackling’ race inequality in school leadership: Positive actions in BAME teacher progression – evidence from three English schools (Educational Management
Administration & Leadership Journal, Paul Washington Miller, 2020)
How to Reduce Personal Bias When Hiring (HBR, Ruchika Tulshyan, June 2019)
Was it because I'm a woman? Or because I'm a black woman?' (TES, Anonymous, 10th February 2019)
What do leaders need to understand about diversity (Yale, 1st January 2011)
All the #WomenEd Diversity Videos
How to build your confidence -- and spark it in others (, 2022)
Diverse Women on Boards: From Intention to Reality (8th March 2021, The Diversity Institute)
Equality, diversity and inclusion in education (10th January 2021, Institute of School Business Leadership)
Equality Diversity & Inclusion in 2021 - WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? (8th January 2021, Nathifa)
Increasing Diverse Representation of Women in Ed Leadership (7th July, 2020, WomenEd
How to Drive Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace? (14th May 2019, HR Leaders)
The Surprising Solution to Workplace Diversity | Arwa Mahdawi | TEDxHamburg (18th July 2016, TEDx)