#WomenEd 10%braver: what has #WomenEd done for you? Our 5th Birthday
Celebrate our 5th birthday by sharing how you have been 10%braver - and what happened then!
Free online event. 5:30pm - 7pm. All times BST
#WomenEd is 5 on May 19th and the whole #WomenEd community is invited to join our special birthday celebration.
- Full Description
Free online event, book tickets to receive the link to participate.
We want to know your highlights from the last 5 years:
- a #connection you made
- how you gained #confidence
- when #clarity helped
- examples of #collaboration
- a #challenge you met
- how being 10% braver brought about #change
We want to hear what you want to achieve in the next five years and what you want for our #WomenEd #community. And we have some surprises for you!