Why is Women's Health Important?
"...when women and girls are supported to lead healthy lives and fulfil their potential, the whole of society benefits." (Maree Todd, BBC, 2021)
"Communities and countries and ultimately the world are only as strong as the health of their women."
Michelle Obama
Women's Health Resources for You to Explore

Black maternal health UK Gov Report (UKGov, April 2023)
Research: Workplace Stigma Around Menopause Is Real (Alicia A. Grandey, HBR, Dec 2022)
Menopause (Innovate Journal, p.24, Nicola Bright, October 2021)
Health: Managing menopause - On the agenda (nurseryworld.co.uk, 1st September 2021)
Scotland bids to be 'world leader' in women's health (BBC, 20th August, 2021)
Equality laws could be changed to protect women in menopause, says MP (The Guardian, 18th August, 2021)
Celebrities join billboard drive to end taboo around the menopause (The Guardian, 15th August, 2021)
Menopause at centre of increasing number of UK employment tribunals (The Guardian, 7th August, 2021)
Breaking Point - the social care burden on women (AgeUK, 19th March 2019)
Menopause in the workplace (educationsupport.co.uk)
Research: Men Get More Actionable Feedback Than Women (Harvard Business Review, 10th February 2021)
Future Generations and Female Role Models (ECIS, 7th January 2021)
Women in the Workplace 2021 (McKnsey, 27th September 2021)
Future of work: How female leaders are transforming the workplace (hrdconnect, 16th June 2021)
Diversity and Inclusion in the FTSE All-Share (womenonboards.net, June 2021)
Leading by Example: Where are the Female Leaders in Education? (dodsdiversity.com, 4th May 2020)
How Men Can Help To Advance Women In The Workplace (Forbes, Susan Madsen, 9th January 2020)
Women, we've got to stop saying sorry at work (TES, 25th September 2019)
You Don’t Need to Meet Every Qualification to Apply for a Job (HBR, Art Markman, 20th May 2019)
The Glass Ceiling Index (The Economist, 8th March 2019)
Language in school job ads puts women off headteacher roles (The Guardian, 19th June 2018)
Australia - Barriers & Bias: The Status of Women in Leadership (aauw.org, 2016)
Unentitled Mindset (thefemalelead.com)
Why are women still left out of leadership positions? (Gates Foundation)
The Facts about Women and Leadership in Canada (canadianwomen.org)
Alberta's Teacher Association works to address gender imbalance (ATA News, Kim Clement)

All the #WomenEd Women's Health Blogs
Flood Alert (womened.org, Victoria O'Farrell, 18th October 2020)
Menopause. Pause #WorldMenopauseDay2019 (womened.org, @lenabellina, 19th October 2019)
Perimenopause #WorldMenopauseDay2019 (womened.org, Debra Kidd, 19th October 2019)
Menos #WorldMenopauseDay2019 (womened.org, Jules Daulby, 19th October 2019)
The Chemo Induced Menopause #WorldMenopauseDay2019 (womened.org, Jo Lawrence, 18th October 2019)