Gender stereotyping occurs when we ascribe differing attributes to people depending on their gender, and this can occur from the moment we are born: 'Subtle cues about “manly” and “ladylike” behaviours, from the moment of birth, mould our behaviours and abilities...' (BBC)
These stereotypes impede our abilities to flourish and to become our best selves.
'“Harmful” gender stereotyping has helped fuel the UK mental health crisis afflicting the younger generation, an influential report has warned, adding that it is at the root of problems with body image and eating disorders, record male suicide rates as well as violence against women and girls.' (The Guardian)
Gender Stereotyping Resources for You to Explore

Women in Leadership Face Ageism at Every Age (HBR, June 2023)
Labeling Women As ‘Emotional’ Undermines Their Credibility, New Study Shows (Forbes, Nov 2022)
Study Shows Moms Who Earn More Than Dads Do More of the Housework (Fatherly.com, April 2022)
It's not bad to be a badass (Innovate Journal, p10, Gioja Morasch, October 2021)
Finding our way out of the glass labyrinth (Innovate Journal, p.25, Anne Marie Luce, October 2021)
Gender Bias (New York Times Opinion, 14th October 2021)
We Are Women: Hear Us Roar (Before We Quit) (Forbes, Anita Sands, 13th October 2020)
Never Apologize for Being a Strong Woman (LinkedIN, Andrea Heuston, 11th December 2019)
The sexist myths that won't die (BBC, David Robson, 1st October 2019)
We have got to stop saying sorry! (TES, Vivienne Porritt, 25th September 2019)
Children’s career aspirations limited by gender stereotypes and background (UKEdChat)
Gender Balance at Every Forum: The Panel Pledge (newcastle.edu.au)

All The #WomenEd Blogs on Gender Stereotypes
Anger and Hope (womened.org, Nicole Rodden, 3rd October 2021
Assumptions – and why we need to continue to challenge them (therealtmh, 21st August 2021)
Exploring the label of ‘the angry black woman’ (womened.org, Dr Valerie Daniel, 21st June 2020)
Missing the Moment (womened.org, Elise Ecoff, 17th May 2020)
Strength in our Vulnerabilities (womened.org, Kate Brown,16th March 2020)
Our Knowledge-Rich Curriculum: a woman’s touch! (womened.org, Tara Bryan, 18th November 2019)
The original #GenderedCheese blog! (Jules Daulby, 9th December 2014)

The Authority Gap: Why women are still taken less seriously than men, and what we can do about it by Mary Ann Sieghart
Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez
10%Braver: Inspiring Women to Lead Education (Chapters 3 & 6) by Vivienne Porritt and Keziah Featherstone
The Gendered Brain: The new neuroscience that shatters the myth of the female brain by Gina Rippon
Womenomics: Work Less, Achieve More, Live Better by Claire Shipman & Katherine Kay
Difficult Women: A History of Feminism in 11 Fights by Helen Lewis

The likability dilemma for women leaders (Robin Hauser, TED)
How to build your confidence -- and spark it in others (TED.com, 2022)
All the #WomenEd Gender Stereotypes Videos
End Sexism in Schools - part of #WomenEd global unconference 2021 (womened.org, 3rd October 2021)
Teach girls bravery, not perfection (TED, Reshma Saujani, 28th March 2016)
Perfectionism holds us back: here's why (TED, Charly Haversat, November 2015)
Embrace the near win (TED, Sarah Lewis, March 2014)
Julia Gillard's misogyny speech (channel ten, Julia Gillard, 12th October 2012)

Follow the hashtag #GenderedCheese on Twitter for hundreds of examples of how stereotypes affect the representation of girls and women.
Use The Gender Decoder to decode job adverts