by Naomi Ward @naomi7444
I need to look back to look forward. The last two years have been about clarifying values and purpose, then exploring what those mean in my life after teaching. This year is about habits, consistency and discipline. Doesn’t sound that inspiring right, and yet, this is what’s needed to build on hard-won foundations.
The word ‘discipline,’ derives from ‘disciple,’ – ‘to follow or adhere to doctrine.’ To me this means that I am a follower of my values and purpose, and will learn as I walk where they guide me.
I was struck by this image on Twitter recently; I have a purpose and am also aware of the distractions that are in my way; imposed by roles as well as the obstacles I like to put in my way: distraction, fear, resentment, poor prioritisation, other people’s requests, ‘urgency.’ How important is my mission? Is it important enough to use my time wisely? Yes. Is it something I’m willing to drop? Hell no.
So I #pledge to say no and be clearer on my boundaries. Truth be told, I’m slightly bedazzled by people who say no with conviction and grace – it takes strength. Do it, because it means you create time and if done well, it earns respect and is contagious. I also #pledge not to resent other roles I have and perceive to be getting in the way. After twelve years of parenting, it can be easy to resent the constant demands and bickering (hello Christmas holidays!). That’s why, when choosing discipline in alignment to my purpose and values, it’s worth looking through the lens of each role I inhabit for the opportunity to deepen my learning. I’ve stolen this exercise from Covey’s ‘Seven Habits.’