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#WomenEd Blogs

Overcoming Burnout

By Rita Rebizant, @RitaRebizant I spent all of July in a kind of mindless fog, not quite sure what to do with myself. My brain was still full of school stuff but along with it came a lot of deep-seated emotion that I didn't know where to put.  I cried a lot. I couldn't sleep. I sat staring at nothing a lot.  I scrolled through endless Twi...

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  4816 Hits

What is your Leadership Resolution of 2022?

By Mélissa Villella, Ph.D @MLVillellaPhd   Network Leader @WomenEdQuebec With an Introduction by Lisa Hannay @lhannay1 Network Leader @WomenEdCanada   As Global Strategic Leader for #WomenEd, I oversee the Twitter account for @WomenEdCanada and work alongside all of the networks in Canada and the United States. Our geography makes it...

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  2110 Hits

Quelle est votre résolution en matière de leadership pour 2022?

By Mélissa Villella, Ph.D @MLVillellaPhd Network Leader @WomenEdQuebec Avec une introduction de Lisa Hannay @lhannay1 Network Leader @WomenEdCanada WomenEdCanada est composé de quatre réseaux régionaux : l'Ontario, le Québec, l'Alberta et la Colombie-Britannique. Récemment, tous ces réseaux ont exprimé de la difficulté à accroître leur visibilité e...

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  1599 Hits

The table

by Lisa Hannay @lhannay1

Shirley Chisholm was the first black woman to be elected to congress and was a formidable force for women’s rights, equal rights as well as a voice for minorities and for those who did not have anyone speaking on their behalf.

Shirley coined the phrase well used today, 'If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair'.

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Conforming to Racist Structures and Systems: Learning and Working Through the Education System

by Iram Khan   @teachermrskhan I have the honour of being part of my school district's Racial Equity Advisory Committee. Part of the side effects of this work has involved us supporting our colleagues in their journeys to heal from the traumas of colonialism and racism. This has become essential work. To become better leaders we need to h...

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  3294 Hits

The Power of Purple - #WomenEd Unconference 2023

by Lisa Hannay @lhannay1 This past weekend I flew to London for the #WomenEd Unconference 2023. My boss joked with me about being one of the rich elite jetting off to England for the weekend. I certainly feel rich after a weekend of empowerment and sisterhood. The overall theme for the weekend was DISRUPT and we certainly live in a world where ther...

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  1262 Hits

Leaving a Place

by  Lisa Hannay @lhannay1    Too much time passes between writing. I write all the time, in my head. I spin ideas and craft thoughts into longer pieces but sitting and placing the words on paper takes time. It seems only when truly it feels as though I may break into pieces because the words are getting too numerous in my h...

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  1540 Hits

Being 10% Braver: #IAmWriting.

by Vivienne Porritt @ViviennePorritt

We started WomenEd because women's voices on twitter were often silenced, harrassed or our views were not valued. It's one of the reasons we included a mic in our logo. So we encouraged women to tweet and to write blogs to tell our stories and share our lived experience. 

One of the reasons we wrote 10%braver: Inspiring Women to Lead Education was to ensure the voices of our community reached women who are not on twitter. And over 30 voices are included in Being 10% Braver which, joyously, is published this December - you can pre-order and it's a great Christmas present! And we are delighted to share more opportunities for our community to write and to be heard.

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  5390 Hits

Embrace Equity #EmbraceEquity #IWD2023

By Lisa Hannay @lhannay1 During the week of March 6-12 #WomenEd networks around the world will host assorted events and activities celebrating International Women's Day.  The theme for 2023 is #EmbraceEquity.  Each Global Strategic Leader for #WomenEd will share a blog leading up to March 8 to create excitement, build knowledge, and explo...

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  2822 Hits

Ignite and Empower #IWD2022

by Lisa Hannay @lhannay1 By all accounts another successful International Women's Day event, this time with several WomenEd networks coming together! On Tuesday, March 8 @WomenEdCanada, @WomenEdAlberta, @WomenEdManitoba, @WomenEdBC and @WomenEdQuebec joined forces and amplified, celebrated and honored the work of women in leadership. Afte...

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  2050 Hits

Power of Connection #IWD2020

by Charlie Kraig @cvkraig

My pre-event warm up was a 545 km drive from Lloydminster to Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Not only was the sun shining, and I was traveling without my tiny humans, I was able to listen to the CBC Massey Lectures 2019 with Sally Armstrong entitled Power Shift: The Longest Revolution. It was wonderful! My feminist heart was singing.

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  2924 Hits

When women gather.. #IWD2020

By Lisa Hannay  @lhannay1

Friday, March 6 marked @WomenEdAlberta’s second #LeadMeet in honor of International Women’s Day 2020. Planning began a few months back and much to my delight and surprise @cvkraig traveled all the way from Lloydminster, Alberta, a wee 6 hour drive from Calgary. Here lies the obstacle of “in real life” events in Alberta, never mind Canada. Our country is beautiful and magnificent but massive in terms of geography.

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  3356 Hits

Looking back and Looking ahead - #Highlights2021 Canada

By Lisa Hannay @lhannay1 @WomenEdCanada  2021 saw the collaboration of our Canada networks. From the far West in British Columbia and Alberta to the Prairies of Manitoba, to Central Canada and our team in Quebec, women leaders in Education looked for ways to build our visibility and grow our networks.Our vast geography, expensive travel, and w...

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  2073 Hits

A New Identity #PledgeForChange20

by Charlie Kraig @cvkraig

How to write a blog post for #WomenEd

  • Sign up for the online event via eventbrite.
  • Add the event to your calendar.
  • Lose track of days while visiting family. Never check your calendar.
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  2918 Hits

#Pledge for Change 2020

by Lisa Hannay @lhannay1

This blog will be a hodge podge of thoughts. It has been taking form in my mind since I signed up to write one a few weeks ago. As soon as I had registered for the blog event the word "self-deprecating" came in my head and has been rattling around ever since.

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  2903 Hits

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