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#WomenEd Blogs

Bridging the critical research gap: a call to action!

by   Rosie Boparai @physicsrosie When I first read Crenshaw's (1991) Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against Women of Color, the concept of intersectionality surfaced two important parts of myself, which I believe many other teachers will have at their core: (1) my inner activist, and (2) my inner scient...

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#Highlights21 from #WomenEd Eastern

By Flora Burt  @MrsB_FCCT    Network Leader @WomenEdEastern       2021 has been a challenging year for all. However, it was also the year that I became a Network Lead for #WomenEd and connected with a truly inspirational group of women in education. In recent years, I had engaged with #WomenEd, howe...

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  2879 Hits

Being 10% Braver: #IAmWriting.

by Vivienne Porritt @ViviennePorritt

We started WomenEd because women's voices on twitter were often silenced, harrassed or our views were not valued. It's one of the reasons we included a mic in our logo. So we encouraged women to tweet and to write blogs to tell our stories and share our lived experience. 

One of the reasons we wrote 10%braver: Inspiring Women to Lead Education was to ensure the voices of our community reached women who are not on twitter. And over 30 voices are included in Being 10% Braver which, joyously, is published this December - you can pre-order and it's a great Christmas present! And we are delighted to share more opportunities for our community to write and to be heard.

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  5358 Hits

Virtual Reality In Teaching Must Be About More Than Riding Rollercoasters #WomenEd Tech

By Kate Sida-Nicholls @SidaNicholls The use of technology in teaching and learning has developed exponentially since COVID.  Three years ago, colleagues from the #EdTech world were confused and disheartened about how teachers could not appear to accept the opportunities that the use of technology could have on supporting their teaching and wor...

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by Christalla Jamil @ChristallaJ

This year’s International Women's Day 2021 was marked by a campaign focused on 'challenge'. When we support each other, women accomplish amazing things. For me, once again, this was illustrated on Saturday 6th March when the three regional networks that I am honoured to work with, gave a platform to a community of new voices to share how they #ChoosetoChallenge. I would like to extend my thanks to all three #WomenEd regions: @WomenEdSE, @WomenEdEastern and @WomenEdLondon.

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Broken branches help you fly

by Binks Neate-Evans    @BinksNeateEvans (Executive Principal, Evolution Trust)

I have recently blogged about disappointment for @headsroundtable here where I refer to disappointment on a spectrum with hope.

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  3090 Hits

Fire in my belly #PledgeForChange20

by Caroline Doolan  @caroline_doolan

I’ve been in my current school for almost 4 years and I’ve absolutely loved it. It made me grow as a leader. And as a person. In my previous school I was Head of English in a Secondary school in Luton and let’s just say it was time for me to move on. When I saw an advert for Head of English in a school in London back in 2016 I jumped at the chance and decided to put into practice what I had learned and be an even better leader. 

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Lose the guilt #PledgeForChange20

by @MrsB_hums

Since having my first daughter in 2014, I have experienced many emotions – love, contentment, stress, desperation, absolute joy but most regularly, guilt. Guilt about my role as a mother, guilt about my role as a wife, guilt about my role as a teacher and leader in school.

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  3845 Hits

Increasing female participation in educational leadership: why we should and how we can.

by Imogen Senior @MrsSeniorStBens1

When I offered to speak at the #WomenEdEastern unconference on 23rd September, 2021, I hoped that I had something to offer. I have been a headteacher of a secondary school of 900 students for over two years and have been teaching for 20 years. I have three children (now aged 13, 10 and 5). I worked part-time for 18 months after my third child, returned to work full-time after four months after my second child and applied for, interviewed for, and was appointed to my first senior leadership post whilst 36 weeks pregnant (also with my second).

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  7768 Hits

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