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#WomenEd Blogs

Reclaiming Feminism by Centering Student Voices

by #WomenEd Deutschland Twitter Since #WomenEd Deutschland was founded in 2018 many events have taken place in person and online. Regional groups have been established in Munich, Frankfurt, and the Nord-Rhein Westphalia region. Over the years events have evolved away from focusing on developing skills women in education need to fit into existing in...

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  1144 Hits

Being 10% Braver: #IAmWriting.

by Vivienne Porritt @ViviennePorritt

We started WomenEd because women's voices on twitter were often silenced, harrassed or our views were not valued. It's one of the reasons we included a mic in our logo. So we encouraged women to tweet and to write blogs to tell our stories and share our lived experience. 

One of the reasons we wrote 10%braver: Inspiring Women to Lead Education was to ensure the voices of our community reached women who are not on twitter. And over 30 voices are included in Being 10% Braver which, joyously, is published this December - you can pre-order and it's a great Christmas present! And we are delighted to share more opportunities for our community to write and to be heard.

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My #Highlights21

Philip Wharton FCCT @pkoeln1980


2021 has been one of the toughest years I have known. Shifting regulations, absences, worries amd stresses all added to the usual maelstrom of running a school.

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Identity, intersectionality and inclusivity

By Angeline Aow @angeaow

Recent global events have ignited an international call-out for educational institutions to take action towards becoming anti-racist, to decolonise curricula, address systemic racism and do more than simply declare that they believe in diversity and inclusion.

The rise of nationalism in many parts of the world, the inequities Covid-19 has exposed and the advocacy of the #BlackLivesMatter movement following the death of George Floyd, have ignited personal and institutional learning about social justice issues across the globe. 

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Imposter Syndrome: Will the real leader please stand up?

by Biljana Torbakova @btorbakova

This unconference was my first experience of #WomenEd and it was a great one.

Ironically, as I commenced my presentation on Imposter Syndrome, or Imposter Feeling (which for me is a better way to describe these temporary feelings), I felt like an Imposter at that particular moment!

We have so much unlearning ahead of us.

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  3000 Hits

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