by Miss Kiran Satti @Miss_K_Sunray3 Barbie is so much more than the stereotype that has been projected onto her. Barbie is our teacher. Barbie is our doctor. Barbie is Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Barbie is Malala and Michelle Obama. Barbie, in my opinion, is a definition of femininity – and it's important I say 'a' and not 'the' definition of feminin...
#WomenEd Blogs
by Vivienne Porritt @ViviennePorritt
We started WomenEd because women's voices on twitter were often silenced, harrassed or our views were not valued. It's one of the reasons we included a mic in our logo. So we encouraged women to tweet and to write blogs to tell our stories and share our lived experience.
One of the reasons we wrote 10%braver: Inspiring Women to Lead Education was to ensure the voices of our community reached women who are not on twitter. And over 30 voices are included in Being 10% Braver which, joyously, is published this December - you can pre-order and it's a great Christmas present! And we are delighted to share more opportunities for our community to write and to be heard.
By Bukky Yusuf @rondelle10_b LinkedIn When it comes to certain aspects of #EdTech (learning platform upgrades, immersive learning tools, AI and machine based learning), changes can happen so rapidly. Yet, consistent 'thorny issues' remain relatively unchanged. 'The Missing Voices in EdTech: Bringing Diversity Into EdTech' by Rafra...
By Kiran Satti @KSunray3 'Intersectional feminism centres the voices of those experiencing overlapping, concurrent forms of oppression in order to understand the depths of the inequalities and the relationships among them in any given context.' UN Women, 2020 Intersectional Feminism at its core invites connectedness. However, there is an hist...
by Kerry Jordan-Daus @KerryJordanDaus
I have been reading Mary Ann Sieghart’s The Authority Gap (2021), the stories of expert, talented, successful women, occupying a wide range of powerful leadership roles, recounting their lived experiences of being treated as a ‘Miss Nobody’, silenced, ignored and disrespected despite their clear expertise, intelligence, brilliance.