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#WomenEd Blogs

What is Equal Pay Day? 2024

by Vivienne Porritt @ViviennePorrittThis is my 6th annual blog on Equal Pay Day for the UK which is on 20th November (Fawcett, 2024). Equal Pay Day is recognised globally and each specific date may be different due to the size of the #GenderPayGap in different countries. It's the day when women, on average, effectively stop earning relative to men ...

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  650 Hits

Achieving equitable disruption

by Vivienne Porritt @ViviennePorritt I was privileged to join the #WomenEd South East England network in Brighton last week to celebrate our new book #DisruptiveWomen. It was an uplifting evening with 50 women joining us to network, learn, and be #10percentBraver. It was brilliantly organised by Ruth Astley and Bianca Greenhalgh and hosted by Patch...

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  659 Hits

Calling line managers! How to successfully implement the School Teachers’ Review Report on flexible working

by Caroline Stanbrook @caroline stanbrook This summer has been an exciting and nervous one for me.  In September I am taking a step up in my career into the role of Associate Vice Principal at Winton Community Academy.  It is a move that would not have been possible if my new Principal had not been open to flexible working.  My new s...

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  1115 Hits

Happy birthday, my dear, dear friend

by  Kerry Jordan-Daus Twitter   LinkedIn Well, 9 years old – haven't the years just flown by? The cover photo is from 2016! Digging into my photo album, I also found this photo. What a journey we have been on together. Friendships formed, mentoring, advice sought, and so many coaching conversations. Thank you. You've been there ...

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  1096 Hits

Violence and abuse haunt women globally

by Vivienne Porritt @ViviennePorritt The images and the experiences of women and children in Gaza shock the whole world and yet it continues and is worse each day. Looking globally, we see a picture of women's rights being systematically eroded and I certainly wonder what else can we do? We must do all we can when we read the details of life in Gaz...

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  982 Hits

Discover Your Inner Power: Creating Success on Purpose

by  Harroop Sandhu   Twitter  LinkedIn Have you ever felt that you needed a little extra courage to pursue your dreams? I know the feeling. When I ran my first workshop at the 2023 #WomenEd's Unconference, I was confronted with challenges like train strikes that threatened to derail my plans. I could have easily turned back, but...

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  1463 Hits

That was a year

by Dr Kerry Jordan-Daus @KerryJordanDaus    As I draw breath on this rainy Saturday afternoon, I take this space to look back over my first year as CEO of Veritas Multi Academy Trust. This has been an amazing year, demanding of my depth of leadership experience, but also my self-belief in my leadership skills. Leadership of Learning ...

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  1333 Hits

Musings from the Interview Arena

By Briony Bowers @BrionyBowers Briony went to #WomenEd sessions at #rEDBerks2023 recently which led to her retweeting her 2021 blog. Sadly, progress since then has been minimal. In 2015 the New York Times published an analysis of the CEOs of S&P 1500 firms revealing the remarkable statistic that there were more men called John leading these big...

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  1788 Hits

Not Looking Outwards... Becoming the Woman I Want To Be

By Lucie Ager   @lucie_ager A thought from #WomenEd sparks my need to write. Was I the woman I wanted to be? This question came to me on the back of a comment on a post on LinkedIn with the artwork of a female profile and the words 'I love the person I've become because I fought to become her', which is catchy and massively thought-provok...

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  1521 Hits

Digital Strategic Lead? Navigating the CPD journey #WomenEd Tech

By Clare Erasmus  @cerasmusteach Welcome to the final blog in our series of seven tech blogs from the inaugural meeting of our new private space for #WomenEdTech. Here, Clare takes a look at her path to becoming a digital strategic lead. A few years ago I was Head of the Digital Tech subjects and the Senior Mental Health Lead at my school. In ...

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  1211 Hits

Being 10% Braver: #IAmWriting.

by Vivienne Porritt @ViviennePorritt

We started WomenEd because women's voices on twitter were often silenced, harrassed or our views were not valued. It's one of the reasons we included a mic in our logo. So we encouraged women to tweet and to write blogs to tell our stories and share our lived experience. 

One of the reasons we wrote 10%braver: Inspiring Women to Lead Education was to ensure the voices of our community reached women who are not on twitter. And over 30 voices are included in Being 10% Braver which, joyously, is published this December - you can pre-order and it's a great Christmas present! And we are delighted to share more opportunities for our community to write and to be heard.

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  5389 Hits

The Path to Equity #EmbraceEquity

By Vivienne Porritt   @ViviennePorritt Our team of Global Strategic Leaders were thrilled we gained Registered Charity status before Christmas. It was even more special as these are the charitable objects we want to achieve: to promote equality and diversity for the public benefit by eliminating discrimination on the grounds of gender by raisi...

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  1934 Hits

‘You have to see it to be it’: trying to combine motherhood and a career

By Hannah Duncan   @heduncan Combining work and motherhood is possible. It is also possible to thrive and progress in your career. But often, as mother teachers, we feel these things are not possible for us. Too many teachers leave the classroom after becoming mothers (see the MTPTProject's excellent Light Research project where they delve int...

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  2107 Hits

Be comfortable with feeling uncomfortable

By Lucie Ager   @lucie_ager On 30th January, 2023, #WomenEdSE hosted an amazing and inspiring event for #WomenEd at my workplace. I planned the style of the event to a tee, from creatives and catering to the finer detail of purple and grey balloons; the colours of #WomenEd's logo. The room, filled with 70 or so women leaders and two of my male...

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  1721 Hits

Are you a Shark or a Dolphin?

by Sian Williams   @principalsian Are you a female leader in England contemplating the Department of Education's white paper, where by 2030, 'remaining maintained schools would change status, to become academies'? Are you leading a standalone school wondering whether a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) is really the way forward? Do you have a sense th...

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  4245 Hits

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